What to do the Night Before (and the Morning of) Test Day
The finish line is in sight. Tomorrow is the big day, so I know you are heading to bed early tonight. But before you hit the hay, make sure you do one last bit of prep and gather the following.
Admission ticket
Several sharpened #2 pencils (ideally, a Test Scoring 100)
Calculator with NEW batteries or charge your calculator overnight (I’m looking at you TI Inspire users).
Test-taking watch
Layers of clothing (At the testing center, the A/C might be absent OR on 24/7 arctic blast)
Water and snack such as a protein bar, banana or string cheese
Also, it is always a good idea to set out your outfit ahead of time, too. Again, think layers as the actual room temperature might be quite variable. Now, for tomorrow, below you’ll find a schedule you might want to consider following —>
6:00AM -- Up and at 'em! The brain needs two hours to wake up, so we need to give our gray cells time to come to their senses.
6:05AM -- Consider doing some jumping jacks or crunches, a little exercise helps calm the nerves.
7:00AM DEADLINE to be showered and have already eaten breakfast. You need the extra time for your food to, um, 'settle.'
Try to read some printed material (newspaper / novel /etc) before you leave; give your brain a little reading practice.
Make sure you have your mask, admission ticket, snacks, calculator, watch and pencils before you get into the car. (See list above)
Have mom / dad / Uber drive you. If possible, it is better to have someone else do the driving on Test Day. You’re stressed and distracted enough as it is. If your parents are driving, arrange where you will meet them after the test before you get out of the car at the testing site. Sometimes, the no-phone policy is enforced even after the test is over! (Most proctors won't mind, but I’ve heard horror stories)
Get in as soon as they will let you. Let your body and brain relax, so you're ready to go!